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Asked by: Enedino Tzekhanovich
technology and computing cameras and camcordersCan I use my old phone as a security camera?
In this regard, can I use my smartphone as a webcam?
Use your android phone as webcamusingUSB. You can use your android as webcamevenwithout wifi by connecting it to your PC via USB. Connect thephoneto your computer via USB (don't select storage mode if thephoneasks while connecting USB). Download DroidCam fromandroidmarket,install it and open it on yourphone.
Also question is, can wireless cameras work without Internet?
Okey, and that can be done easilywithwireless video cameras with noInternetconnection. All you need to do is to get awholewireless security camera system, which comeswith aWiFi NVR (Network Video Recorder) and several WiFisurveillancecams. And this is how you can make the IPcameraset-up without Internet.
Alfred is a free mobile app thatturnsAndroid and iOS devices into home securitycameras.