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Asked by: Baldomero Morujoo
home and garden home appliancesCan I use one side of a double pole breaker?
Correspondingly, can a double pole breaker be used as single pole?
Double-pole breakers have two hot wires that are connected by a single neutral wire. That means if there's a short circuit on either of the poles' hot wires, both trip. These breakers can be used to serve two separate 120-volt circuits or they can serve a single 240-volt circuit, such as your central AC's circuit.
Similarly one may ask, can one side of a double pole breaker go bad?
Nothing to do with Ohm's law. Breakers go bad, whether they are a Single pole or double pole. Just because you have two poles on a breaker, one pole can go bad, while the other still works fine. Even more fun, when you have a 400amp breaker blow, causing the other phase to blow out that side.
A main breaker is a large-amperage double breaker, same as any double breaker in the breaker box, except it supplies power to each busbar. So your question is like asking if you can draw 60 amps off a 30 amp double breaker the answer is NO.