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Asked by: Abdelhamid Izurza
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan I use ps4 controller on Windows 10?
Similarly, it is asked, can you use a ps4 controller on a PC?
Now you'll be able to connect yourPS4DualShock 4 controller to your PC. Youcan dothis in two ways – either via a USB cable or viaBluetooth.Once you've plugged the cable into both theDualShockcontroller and your PC, Windows shoulddetect it, andyou'll be ready to play PC gamesusing thePS4 controller.
One may also ask, how do I connect my ps4 controller to my PC via Bluetooth?
To connect the PS4 controllerviaBluetooth, press and hold the central PS Button andtheShare button for three seconds until the lightbar at the top ofthecontroller begins to flash. Next open uptheBluetooth settings on your PC.
Most newer laptops have Bluetoothhardwareinstalled; however, older laptops or desktops most likelydon'thave Bluetooth compatibility. Look for theBluetoothicon in your system tray (task bar). Open theDevice Manager onyour PC or laptop. If BluetoothRadios is listed, youhave Bluetooth enabled.