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Asked by: Kenai Vinagreiro
technology and computing computer animationCan I use PVC cement on PEX?
Besides, can SharkBite be used on PVC?
SharkBite fittings with a white collar are compatible with PVC pipe. These fittings are compatible with schedule 40, 80 &120 PVC. SharkBite fittings with a tan collar are compatible with PEX, copper, C-PVC, PE-RT & HDPE pipe.
Also Know, can you connect PEX pipe to CPVC?
CPVC pipe fittings are glued to the CPVC using a solvent-based glue to fuse the pipes to the fittings. The solvent-based glue will soften the PEX tubing and the joint will not hold. However, push fittings are compatible with almost all types of plumbing pipes, including PEX and CPVC.
Making the connection between plastic pipes such as ABS or PVC and metal pipes such as copper or galvanized steel is very straightforward. The chemicals used in the manufacture of any of these pipes do not react with one another, so you don't have the corrosion factor to worry about.