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Asked by: Petri Bugallo
hobbies and interests drawing and sketchingCan I use small glue sticks in a large glue gun?
Likewise, people ask, can you use 7mm glue sticks in a 11mm glue gun?
Make sure you can get the glue sticks for it: the most common glue gun sticks are 7mm or 11mm but some models have manufacturer-specific sticks. We'd avoid manufacturer-specific ones, though.
Also Know, what is a standard size glue stick?
1/2" or 12mm Glue Sticks (Sometimes seen as 7/16") 1/2" glue hot melt sticks are the most common size available on the market today allowing for the widest variety of formulations to be used.
Size of glue sticks There are three difference glue sizes, 12 mm, 7 mm and oval, here's how it works: 12 mm glue sticks are the standard size. Glue sticks for Installation and Fix and repair are all 12 mm. 7 mm glue sticks allow for precision gluing due to a smaller glue output.