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Asked by: Elizabe Willcke
personal finance credit cardsCan I use Walmart gift card to buy online?
Similarly, you may ask, where can you use Walmart giftcards online?
Saving a Walmart plastic Gift Card to your online account does not limit you to using the Walmart Gift Card online. You can use Walmart and Sam's plastic Gift Cards and eGift cards at any retail or only format of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in the U.S. or Puerto Rico, including Sam's Clubs.
Also question is, what can I buy with a Walmart gift card?
Walmart gift cards and egift cards can be used at Walmart stores, on, at Walmart and Sam's Club gas stations, in Sam's Club Stores, at and on If the gift card user is not a Sam's Club member, a 10 percent surcharge will be added to all purchases.
Yes. You can use a Walmart gift card to purchase any other gift card on their display. You could even in theory split YOUR gift card into smaller denominations of Walmart gift cards. the exception being prepaid monetary instruments, which are on the same display, but are not actually gift cards.