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Asked by: Sherly Saxena
travel travel preparationCan I use WiFi internationally without being charged?
In this way, can you use WiFi internationally without charge?
Email is free to use over WiFi and youwill not be charged. Just to be safe you can evenput it in airplane mode and then turn WiFi on to besure no data is being transferred over the network. But if any ofthose are done without WiFi you will get chargedinternational dating roaming fees.
- Upgrade Your International Package. Before you pack your bags,contact your phone service provider to make sure that your phonewill work abroad and, if necessary, add an international plan toyour service.
- SIM Cards and Apps.
- Disable Auto-Updates.
- Embrace Airplane Mode.
- Put Your Phone Down.
Also know, how do I avoid phone charges when traveling internationally?
Here are some tips on how to avoid big charges.
- Tip 1: Turn Off Data Roaming. Go to Settings then selectGeneral / Network.
- Tip 2: Use Wi-Fi. You can connect your iPhone using a localWi-Fi connection.
- Tip 3: Using your email. Most emails are actually use a verysmall amount of data.
- Tip 4: Get a data bundle.
1 Answer. If you send a text or make acall to a US number, you'll pay whatever you normally pay to send atext or make a call to a US number. The recipient of thattext or call may have to pay extra fees for receivingit internationally, depending on their carrier andplan.