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Asked by: Aliza Yugai
food and drink desserts and bakingCan I use yogurt instead of applesauce in baking?
Re: Yogurt for applesauce substitutioninbaking
If you use the flavored yogurt itdoesn'ttaste of the flavor! So you can pretty muchuse theflavored if you don't have theplain.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what can you use instead of applesauce in baking?
Below are the list of substitute for applesauce:
- Apricot or peach puree.
- Pureed prune.
- Banana puree.
- Yogurt or sour cream.
- Melted butter or oil.
- Fresh pineapple puree.
Consequently, what can I use in place of yogurt for baking?
What to Use in Place of Yogurt
- Sour Cream. Sour cream is a popular substitution called forinplace of yogurt in many recipes.
- Cottage Cheese. Cottage cheese is also an acceptablesubstitutefor yogurt in many dishes.
- Buttermilk. For recipes calling for yogurt, buttermilk orsourmilk can be used in the same capacity.
- Tofu.
Unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas,pureedprunes, or canned pumpkin puree work best as afatreplacement. For best results, replace half ofthefat in a recipe with an equal volume ofpureedfruit or vegetable.