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Asked by: Leighann Glied
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan I watch catch up TV on Freeview?
Also know, how do I get catch up TV on my TV?
It is easier than you think.
- Purchase a STRONG HD Media Player.
- Connect your STRONG HD Media Player to Power and your TV.
- Connect to your Internet by Wi-Fi or LAN Cable.
- Download the Apps from Playstore.
- Enjoy Catch Up TV.
Similarly one may ask, how do I access Freeview on demand?
Freeview On Demand via HbbTV Browse the current range of products here. Toactivateit, connect your Smart TV to a working TV antenna &broadbandInternet. To access it, just press the OK button onyourremote when you're watching Live TV to bring up the Mini Guideandselect the On Demand icon on theleft.
It's an easy way to enjoy catch up TVfromFreeview. All you have to do is connect your TVorrecorder to the internet*, then scroll back through theTVguide and find a show you missed. You will find programmesfrom BBCiPlayer, ITV Hub, and All 4** in the TV guide,sittingalongside live television.