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Asked by: Xiaohong Llacer
movies crime and mystery moviesCan I watch HBO Go on my PlayStation 3?
In respect to this, can I get HBO Go on my PlayStation 3?
Starting on January 8th 2019, HBO NOWwillno longer be available on the PlayStation 3. Youcan,however, still stream HBO NOW on other supporteddevices.Stream HBO NOW using a streaming player or anothergamingconsole.
One may also ask, can you get HBO Go on PlayStation?
The PlayStation Vue TV service offersHBOas a standalone channel and with multi-channel plans. Tolearnmore, go to psvue/HBO. Your HBOsubscriptionthrough PlayStation Vue lets you watchHBOprogramming live and on-demand through PlayStationVue, aswell as stream HBO on-demand throughHBONOW.
The main difference between HBO GO and HBO NOWishow you get them. HBO NOW is an à la cartestreamingoption, and HBO GO is an on-the-go featurethat comeswith a cable subscription or Amazon Prime. The prices area littledifferent, too, but the content you'll get from eachisexactly the same.