Asked by: Xiaohong Llacer
movies crime and mystery movies

Can I watch HBO Go on my PlayStation 3?

Starting on January 8th 2019, HBO GO is nolongersupported on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. IfPlayStation3 or Xbox 360 was your primary streamingdevice, see'Other ways to stream HBO GO' below.

In respect to this, can I get HBO Go on my PlayStation 3?

Starting on January 8th 2019, HBO NOWwillno longer be available on the PlayStation 3. Youcan,however, still stream HBO NOW on other supporteddevices.Stream HBO NOW using a streaming player or anothergamingconsole.

Secondly, can you watch HBO Go on PlayStation 4? You can watch HBO GO on yourfavoritescreen—phone, tablet, computer, connected TV orgamingdevice. Software subject tolicense(

One may also ask, can you get HBO Go on PlayStation?

The PlayStation Vue TV service offersHBOas a standalone channel and with multi-channel plans. Tolearnmore, go to psvue/HBO. Your HBOsubscriptionthrough PlayStation Vue lets you watchHBOprogramming live and on-demand through PlayStationVue, aswell as stream HBO on-demand throughHBONOW.

What is the difference between HBO GO and HBO now?

The main difference between HBO GO and HBO NOWishow you get them. HBO NOW is an à la cartestreamingoption, and HBO GO is an on-the-go featurethat comeswith a cable subscription or Amazon Prime. The prices area littledifferent, too, but the content you'll get from eachisexactly the same.

Related Question Answers

Terrance Finez


Is HBO go free on ps4?

HBO Go available now on the PS4.Theon-demand streaming service from HBO has finally landedonthe PlayStation 4. The wait is over. The app is available nowasfree download in PlayStation Store.

Simina Valetov


Is the Xfinity app on ps3?

Xfinity TV on thePlayStation3
As of the date of publication, Xfinity TV isnotavailable on the Sony PlayStation 3 console.Thebrowser-based version of Xfinity TV is not compatiblewiththe PlayStation 3 Webbrowserapplication.

Anaraida Pazelt


How do you watch HBO now?

How do I get the HBO NOW app?
  1. Amazon Fire TV and Amazon Fire tablet. Open the AmazonAppstoreon your device and search for HBO NOW.
  2. Android phone, tablet, or TV. On your Android device, openthePlay Store app and search for HBO NOW.
  3. Apple TV. HBO NOW is preinstalled.
  4. Computer.
  5. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  6. PlayStation 4.
  7. Roku.
  8. Samsung Smart TV.

Brisa Dierksmeyer


Does Xbox 360 have HBO GO?

HBO GO and HBO NOW are no longeravailableon the Xbox 360
As of January 8, 2019, HBO GO and HBONOWwill no longer be available on the Xbox 360 in theUnitedStates. We hope you continue to enjoy your Xbox360experience, including streaming apps such as Netflix, AmazonVideo,Hulu, and others.

Gratiela Uttara


Can't connect to HBO Go ps4?

PS4 error message: "Error code 04-31-320"
  1. Uninstall the HBO GO app.
  2. Restart your home networking equipment (Modem&Router).
  3. From the XMB home menu, go to TV/Video Services.
  4. Navigate to the HBO GO icon.
  5. Press the controller's “Options” button,select“Delete”.
  6. Follow the onscreen prompts to remove the app.
  7. Reinstall the HBO GO app from the PlayStation Store.

Sonya Bickley


Can you watch Game of Thrones on PlayStation?

Watch Game of Thrones live on HBO®withPlayStation™Vue
Don't miss the final season premiere of GameofThrones on HBO®, Sunday April 14th at 9pm. Catch up onallthe past seasons, available On Demand with the PS Vueappwhen you subscribe to the HBO® standalone channel, oraspart of the Ultra plan.

Nasir Glapp


How much is PlayStation Vue HBO?

HBO is now available on PlayStation Vuefor$15 per month.

Mbacke Tapp


How long is HBO now free trial?

How long is the trial and what do Iget?Most subscription providers offer new subscribers afreetrial period, which is typically one week. Thelength ofthe trial varies by provider. During yourtrial, youcan stream all of HBO's shows (everyseason, every episode),as well as hit movies.

Merced Ouari


How do you sign out of HBO Go on ps4?

To sign out of HBO GO, do one of thefollowing:Choose the Profile icon (upper-right corner) and thenchooseSign Out > Sign Out Now.

Shamsher Zhurkovsky


How do I reactivate HBO Go on ps4?

From the XMB home menu on your PlayStation, gotoTV/Video Services. Highlight HBO GO and then presstheOptions button on your controller. Reinstall HBOGO(go to the PlayStation Store and download HBOGO).Sign in to HBO GO and check to see if the issueisresolved.

Tonisha Babuhin


How do I add HBO to my PlayStation Vue account?

Make sure you have a standalone HBOpackagethrough PlayStation Vue. Go to onyourcomputer and choose Sign In. Complete the formto createyour HBO NOW account. Going forward, you'llsign in toHBO NOW using this email andpassword.

Ale Novalio


What channels do PlayStation Vue have?

CBS Sports Network, ESPN channels, NFLNetwork,MLB Network, NBA TV, Big Ten Network (BTN), and ElevenSportsare accessible with differing availability throughAccess,Core, Elite, and Ultra plansofPlayStationVue. NFL RedZone and 10+othersports channels are available in theSportsPack.

Sobeida Espiga


How do I activate HBO Go on my PlayStation 4?

  1. Download HBO GO from app store or marketplace.
  2. Launch HBO GO on the PS4.
  3. Select Activate HBO GO panel on the Welcome screen.
  4. Navigate to and choose yourTVprovider.
  5. On the Activate a Device screen, enter the code displayedonyour TV and click Activate.

Baroudi Thorbrugge


Can you watch Game of Thrones live on HBO GO?

HBO Go. Those who subscribe to HBOthrougha cable or satellite package can stream Game of Thronesliveor on demand via the HBO Go service. The HBOGo appis available on most phones, tablets, smart TVs, andgamingconsoles. Check if your device is supported atHBO's HelpCenter.

Sheilah Motta


How can I get HBO now for free?

8 Ways to Watch HBO for Free (or for Less)
  1. Sign Up for an HBO Free Trial on Hulu.
  2. Sign Up for a Free Trial of Amazon Prime.
  3. Sign Up for a Free PlayStation Vue Trial.
  4. Call Your Cable Provider.
  5. Watch Free Episodes on HBO.
  6. Watch Free Clips on YouTube.
  7. Use Select AT&T Unlimited Plans.
  8. Find HBO Discounts via DirecTV Now.

Oystein Levichev


Can I watch Game of Thrones live on HBO now?

Can you watch Game of Thronesepisodeslive on HBO Now? The good news is that Yes,in mostcases you can watch almost as soon as the liveshowstarts airing. New episodes of original programming andtheatricalfilms will become available on HBO NOW atthe sametime that they premiere on HBO.

Maroan Wunstorf


Can I watch got Season 8 on HBO now?

Only those with HBO or the network'sHBONow app will be able to livestreamGame of Thrones.” If you haveHBO inyour television cable package, you'll also be able towatchthe show on your computer, tablet or mobile deviceusing theHBO Go app.

Charalampos Diaz Blanco


Can I get HBO without a cable subscription?

It's essentially HBO's streamingserviceHBO Go without a cable TVsubscription.It provides access to everything HBO hasto offer on demand,and current seasons of shows are available theminute they air.HBO Now is available on Apple TV, Roku,Chromecast, iOSdevices, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, andAndroiddevices.

Vili Bockenhuser


How much does HBO now cost?

The HBO package costs $14.99 per monthforunlimited streaming access, the same cost of anHBONow subscription, while the Cinemax package costs$9.99per month.