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Asked by: Bacilio Winnemoller
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan I watch Sling TV outside the US?
Accordingly, can I watch my sling TV anywhere?
It's available on a number of different platformsincluding iOS, Android, Apple TV and Roku. In addition:Sling TV is available everywhere in the UnitedStates. You can only watch one stream at atime with the Sling Orange package, or three streams withSling Blue.
- Sign in to your account here.
- You will be directed to your account settings, where you canclick 'Cancel Subscription'
- Select a reason for cancelation and then press 'Continue'
- Next, click 'Cancel My Subscription'
- Finally, enter your password and select 'Cancel MySubscription'
Similarly, it is asked, can I watch Sling TV while traveling?
Sling TV. Sling TV has very fewout-of-home rules. As long as you are within the United States, youcan stream on any device you want. There is one catchthough, when you travel outside your home marketlocation, specific channels like regional sports networks might belost.
Yes, Sling TV does accept debit & prepaidcards. You can find additional information aboutSling TV's debit & prepaid card support on theircustomer service page here.