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Asked by: Odell Lezeta
personal finance credit cardsCan I withdraw money from a prepaid MasterCard?
Furthermore, how do I get money off my MasterCard?
Visit your local ATM that is MasterCardapprovedand insert your card into the machine. Enter your PIN whenpromptedand then select the option to withdraw funds. Type in theamountyou wish to withdraw. You'll need to agree to any applicablefeesbefore the money will be dispersed.
Considering this, are prepaid debit cards traceable?
Unlike traditional debit cards, however, youdon'tneed a bank account to use a prepaid card. And becausethefees merchants pay to accept debit cards(includingprepaid debit cards) are lower than those forcreditcards, there may be places that will accept yourprepaidcard, but not credit cards.
Yes, you can transfer money to or fromaprepaid debit card to a regular bankaccount.This would not be the case for gift cards, butonly forgeneral-purpose reloadable prepaid cards. As long astheyhave a routing and an account number, they canmovemoney through the ACH system.