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Asked by: Atidzhe Bachthaler
style and fashion natural and organic beautyCan ice plant be divided?
Similarly one may ask, how do you propagate an ice plant?
How to Root an Ice Plant Clipping
- Take your cutting from an existing ice plant that is vigorous and free of disease.
- Pick up a styrofoam or paper cup and poke two holes in the bottom of it using a sharpened pencil.
- Fill the cup three-fourths full of an all-purpose potting soil.
- Stick the cut end of the ice plant cutting in the soil by 1/2 inch.
Furthermore, can ice plant be grown indoors?
Hardiness will vary with the species and variety, but most are only perennial in USDA Hardiness Zones 8 - 10. Some species can tolerate a light frost, but despite their name, prolonged periods of cold, damp conditions will cause them to rot. Gardeners in colder areas can grow them as annuals or houseplants.
Q If you deadhead ice plants, will that encourage them to re-bloom, or is it just one time? A Many plants can be encouraged to extend their flowering period by deadheading, so that they do not cease blooming and put their energy into seed production. However, this does not seem to have much effect with Drosanthemums.