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Asked by: Cherkaoui Orttmann
healthy living running and joggingCan lactic acid make you heavier?
It can feel uncomfortable, but the cause– lactic acid – is actually your ally, helpingyou move faster and lift heavier. When it comes toathletic performance, lactic acid has historically beenviewed as the enemy – the culprit behind DOMS (Delayed OnsetMuscle Soreness) and fatigue.
Thereof, does lactic acid affect your weight?
If the body is not properly warmed up and cooleddown, it can begin to produce lactic acid oncethe muscles become fatigued. By properly stretchingthe muscle groups that have been or will be used, it ispossible to avoid the build-up of lactic acid andthe potential of water weightgain.
One may also ask, what are the symptoms of too much lactic acid?
Other lactic acidosis symptoms include:
- exhaustion or extreme fatigue.
- muscle cramps or pain.
- body weakness.
- overall feelings of physical discomfort.
- abdominal pain or discomfort.
- diarrhea.
- decrease in appetite.
- headache.
- Stay hydrated. Make sure you're staying hydrated, ideallybefore, during, and after strenuous exercise.
- Rest between workouts.
- Breathe well.
- Warm up and stretch.
- Get plenty of magnesium.
- Drink orange juice.