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Asked by: Adilia Madueño
home and garden interior decoratingCan linoleum be placed over linoleum?
In this way, can you put linoleum over linoleum?
Over the Top Ceramic and stone tile, vinyl and laminate flooring,tile and sheet linoleum, hardwood planks and decorativeconcrete can all be installed over existinglinoleum. The one requirement all they all share is that theexisting linoleum must be securely attached to thesubfloor.
Similarly, it is asked, can I paint over linoleum flooring?
Ordinarily, painting vinyl and linoleumflooring isn't recommended. The surfaces don't acceptpaint well and are likely to be dirty, stained, or waxed,which further inhibits paint bonding. And paintingwon't hide holes or dents. If at all possible, tear up oldflooring and replace it.
Since the floor is not level, Iwould like to use a self leveling underlayment.Some products like Levelquick claim that they can be used"over concrete, backerboard, ceramic tile, brick, stone,exterior grade, plywood, and vinyl sheetgoods".