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Asked by: Elizbeth Dallhammer
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan low voltage damage electronics?
Herein, what happens if voltage is too low?
Low voltage effects on appliances: It may cause melting of cables and wires due to a low voltage level. Low voltage causes overheating of motors in dryers, washers, washing machines, refrigerators, and other appliances. Due to low voltage motor try to draw extra current and results in motor failure.
Also, does low voltage damage computer?
Low voltage can definitely ruin the computer (usually only ruin the PSU though), if the voltage drops below the voltage ratings of the PSU (depending on model either within ~20% of it's intended voltage or between 85 and 250V for a very good one).
Age and corrosion are a common cause of low voltage, as is dirty connections and poor insulation. Poor or damaged splicing work can also be a cause. In some cases, the wires used to carry electricity have a lower gauge than is necessary. Low voltage problems could be the result until the wires are replaced.