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Asked by: Linnea Ezquibel
technology and computing antivirus softwareCan MacBook Air be infected with virus?
Correspondingly, does a MacBook Air need virus protection?
Mac has built in protection that you may relyon.You do not need any kind ofantivirussoftware. Mac users often ask whether they shouldinstall"anti-virus" (AV) or "anti-malware" software. Theshortanswer is "no," but it may give the wrong impression thatthere isno threat from what are looselycalled"viruses."
One may also ask, how do I remove a virus from my MacBook air?
To remove Adware, Pop-up Ads, or Malware from Mac,followthese steps:
- STEP 1: Remove the malicious apps from Mac.
- STEP 2: Uninstall malicious extensions from Safari, Chrome,orFirefox.
- STEP 3: Use Malwarebytes for Mac to remove adware andbrowserhijackers.
Apple quietly recommends usingantivirussoftware. But we both need antivirussoftware.Apple, which has long perpetuated the beliefthat itsoperating system is immune to security problems, isrecommendingthat users install security software to make itharder forhackers to target its platform.