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Asked by: Barca Chakkour
business and finance civil engineering industryCan Marine Engineers apply for gate?
GATE is one of the most popular entrance examsfor admissions to marine engineering programmes at the PGlevel. Even though there is no separate paper for ME inGATE, interested applicants can opt for GATEpapers like Electrical Sciences or Mechanicalengineering.
In this way, can Marine Engineers apply for IES?
Yes, obviously we can, under the MechanicalEngineering branch, as Marine Engineering is aspecialised branch of Mechanical Engineering. I have donealot of research on IES.
Hereof, is there any entrance exam for marine engineering?
The top exams for B.Tech MarineEngineering are: Indian Maritime University CommonEntrance Test: IMU conducts Common Entrance Test forundergraduate programs in May. IIT Joint EntranceExamination: It is the examination conducted for IITaspirants.
- Short Service Commission (GS) B.E/ B.Tech in any disciplinewith minimum 60% .
- Short Service Commission (Submarine-Engineering)
- Naval Architect (SSC)
- Naval Architect.
- Special Naval Architect Entry Scheme (SNAES)
- Electrical Branch.
- Short Service Commission (Submarine)
- NCC Special Entry Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala.