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Asked by: Martiño Burualde
real estate real estate renting and leasingCan my landlord evict me in 7 days?
Similarly one may ask, can my landlord kick me out for no reason?
Answer. Although you say that your landlord “evicted you” for no apparent reason, chances are you're talking about receiving a termination notice, telling you to move within a certain number of days or face an eviction lawsuit. Only the court can order an eviction, and only a designated officer can carry it out.
Also, can you evict someone in 3 days?
If a landlord is trying to evict a tenant for not paying rent, the landlord must first give the tenant a three-day notice of nonpayment of rent. The notice should tell the tenant how much rent is owed, and that the tenant has three days to pay it. If the tenant pays within the three days, the tenant can stay.
Generally speaking, the eviction process can take anywhere from as little as two weeks in the fastest states to as long as three (or even more) months in states where the process has to go through many more steps.