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Asked by: Happy Moreno Palancas
technology and computing antivirus softwareCan opening an email give you a virus?
In this regard, can you get hacked by opening an email?
Why You Can't Get Infected JustByOpening an Email (Anymore) Email viruses arereal,but computers aren't infected just by openingemailsanymore. Just opening an email to view it is safe–although attachments can still be dangeroustoopen.
Additionally, can opening an email be dangerous?
Opening Email Is Generally Harmless In the past, just opening an email could allowitto run harmful code and infect your computer with a virusorother unwanted program. Unfortunately, some emails maytry tocause harm to or access your system once theyareopen.
Technically, you CANNOT get infectedbyvirus just by clicking a link. Most modernbrowsersare sandboxed, so there is no way any script on thewebpagecan INFECT your computer. So clicking a linkbyitself cannot get you infected. But it givethewebpage a chance to trick the human user.