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Asked by: Kaba Castanyer
medical health brain and nervous system disordersCan prefrontal cortex damage be reversed?
Also know, what happens if the prefrontal cortex is damaged?
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex processes feelings of empathy, shame, compassion and guilt. Damage to this part of the brain, which occupies a small region in the forehead, causes a diminished capacity for social emotions but leaves logical reasoning intact.
One may also ask, can you recover from frontal lobe damage?
The recovery process for a frontal lobe brain injury may take a long time—in fact, if the injury is severe enough, the person with the injury may not fully recover.
A computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain can detect a frontal lobe stroke, and possibly an infection. However, when there is another cause, such as dementia or a concussion, then a brain imaging test often shows either atrophy or may not detect the frontal lobe damage at all.