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Asked by: Radomir Schmider
hobbies and interests beekeepingCan pygmy date palms be transplanted?
In this way, how do you transplant date palms?
Dig a hole two to three times as wide as the root ball and about the same depth as the container the date palm has been growing in--deep enough to place the root-shoot interface about an inch below the soil surface. Place the palm in the hole and carefully fill in with soil around the palm.
Also to know is, how do you propagate pygmy date palms?
Transfer the pygmy date palm seedlings into a 6-inch pot filled with palm-specific potting soil three weeks after germination. Grow it under warm, bright conditions until the following spring. Transplant it into a sunny, well-drained bed once soil temperatures reach 70 F.
Spacing and Growth Rate The less competition for nutrients, the faster the pygmy date palm will grow, meaning that in a group of three, the growth rate will vary. It will take a 2-foot tall pygmy date palm five to seven years to grow 6 feet tall or its full adult size.