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Asked by: Fadiala Tsvelikhovsky
home and garden home appliancesCan red wine be stored at 40 degrees?
Wine can safely be stored at from40to 65 degrees, but the “perfect”temperaturereally comes down to how long you plan to storethewine. Conversely, warmer temperatures hasten theprocess,aging the wines more quickly.
Similarly, what temperature does red wine need to be stored at?
55° F
Simply so, what happens if red wine gets too cold?
Cold slows down the aging process. Theconcernabout cold temperatures and wine is thatifthe bottle gets really cold for an extendedperiod,the liquid inside will expand as it freezes, and it couldputpressure on the cork or even crack the bottle.
DON'T: Keep your wine at roomtemperaturelong term. As we stated earlier, room temperatureistypically too warm for serving wine and also too warmforthe long term storage of wine. Warm wine is dullandflat and, in extreme cases, overly alcoholic orvinegartasting.