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Asked by: Ricki Dos Anjos
technology and computing social networkingCan someone see if you share their post in a private message?
Also asked, can someone tell if you share their picture on Instagram?
To search a friend to send a direct post to, youjust need to text their Instagram account to seach for them.Instagram also will confirm you thatyou have sent the direct message. And, posts that yousend in a Direct message won't show up on your feed (as apost by you), and the original poster won't benotified.
Besides, does Facebook notify someone if you share their photo?
When you share a user's photo on yourfeed, she will get a notification that says[Person's Name] shared your post. If the userclicks on the notification, they will be takento the post. She will only be notified if she keptthe default setting of being notified for "Activitythat involves you".
Facebook has a feature that enables you to sendprivate messages to your friends. Sending messages tonon-Facebook friends is built into the system, allowing forprivate chatting (instead of posting on publicWalls).