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Asked by: Crisantos Pfaffinger
personal finance personal taxesCan the IRS garnish my entire paycheck?
Consequently, what is the maximum amount the IRS can garnish from your paycheck?
If a judgment creditor is garnishing your wages,federal law provides that it can take no more than: 25% ofyour disposable income, or. the amount thatyour income exceeds 30 times the federal minimumwage, whichever is less.
- Negotiate with your creditor. One way to end your wagegarnishment is to call your creditor and get them to agree to arepayment plan.
- Challenge the garnishment.
- Erase the Garnishment with a Fresh Start.
Keeping this in view, can IRS wage garnishment be stopped?
The IRS will stop a wage garnishment ifyou enter into an approved installment agreement to pay your taxdebt in full over a series of monthly paymentinstallments.
This is a good option if you need more than 120days to pay your tax bill and you owe lessthan $50,000. When you file your tax return, fill outIRS Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request (PDF). TheIRS will then set up a payment plan for you,which can last as long as six years.