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Asked by: Filimon Brilha
business and finance aviation industryCan they search your phone at the airport?
Likewise, can Customs Seize your phone?
U.S. customs can seize your laptop orphone without a warrant. Advocates cry foul in court.U.S. border agents can seize your laptop or smartphone whenyou reenter the country after traveling abroad, anddo so without a warrant.
Correspondingly, why does TSA Scan phones?
The American Civil Liberties Union this week opened up anew front in its continuing battle to protect air travelers' cellphones and tablets from unnecessary or improper searches oftheir mobile phones by government officials. The personalelectronic devices of domestic US travelers are now underscrutiny by TSA.
Both Australian and New Zealand customs officersare legally allowed to search not only your personalbaggage, but also the contents of your smartphone,tablet or laptop. It doesn't matter whether you are acitizen or visitor, or whether you're crossing a border byair, land or sea.