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Asked by: Hiroko Dolera
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesCan toddlers drink peppermint tea?
Accordingly, can I give peppermint tea to my toddler?
Like chamomile tea, a lukewarm cup ofpeppermint tea may help soothe a bellyache. So if yourtoddler is itching for a cure, pour a cup ofpeppermint tea into his bathwater (the mint creates acooling sensation on the skin).
Also asked, can I give my baby peppermint tea?
Through the ages, teas to aid digestion have beenrecommended for unhappy babies. Traditionally, mothersbrewed chamomile tea for babies—as well aspeppermint, fennel, or dill teas—to help upsettiny tummies. Interestingly, some studies have shown a lessening incrying after fussy babies are given herbs.
A hot cup of chamomile tea helped calm PeterRabbit's nerves, and it might do the same for your child.Studies have found that chamomile is a mild sedative thatseems to be safe for children of all ages. (It may triggeran allergic reaction, however, especially if a child is sensitiveto ragweed.)