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Asked by: Bet Nikolei
medical health diabetesCan u brush your teeth before a fasting blood test?
Similarly, you may ask, can you brush teeth before fasting blood test?
Many healthcare professionals agree that peopleshould avoid coffee and gum before a fasting labtest. Both substances affect your digestive system, whichcan change the results of your test. Fastingmay be necessary for a few reasons.
Besides, what can you have before a fasting blood test?
Only some types of blood tests require thepatient to fast beforehand. It is important that a person has nothad anything to eat or drink other than water for 8 to 10 hoursbefore a fasting blood glucose test. Fastinghelps ensure that the blood test records an accurate measureof fasting blood sugar levels.
Even if you drink itblack, coffee can interfere with blood testresults. That's because it contains caffeine and soluble plantmatter, which might skew your test results.