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Asked by: Mactar Isaacson
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan u take pictures of someone without them knowing?
Similarly, it is asked, is it legal to take a picture of someone without consent?
You can take a photo of anybody in public, withorwithout their permission, but not in a locationwherethey have a reasonable expectation of privacy. If you standin apublic place, you can usually take a photo of anythingyoucan see unless a person has a reasonable expectationofprivacy there.
In this manner, can someone take a picture of you at work without your permission?
Coworkers and the Photos Permission Law.Photopermission law allows photographers to takepictures ofpeople in public, although it's consideredgood etiquette toask permission. Co-workers, however, don'thave specialprivileges that permit them to take photos ofcolleagueswithout permission.
The wildlife photographer who owned thecameraclaimed ownership when a website published the photowithouthis permission. Under U.S. law, copyright in aphotograph isthe property of the person who presses theshutter on the camera— not the person who owns thecamera, and not even theperson in the photo.