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Asked by: Ouassila Morello
technology and computing programming languagesCan we use Android Studio online?
Well you can use CodeEnvy (Cloud Workspaces )tocode online. It is an online Android IDE whichiscompletely cloud based. Application Craft (Visual IDE in theCloud)To create androids apps using Html, JavaScriptandCSS.
Similarly, you may ask, how do I use Android Studio?
- Step 1: Install Android Studio.
- Step 2: Open a New Project.
- Step 3: Edit the Welcome Message in the Main Activity.
- Step 4: Add a Button to the Main Activity.
- Step 5: Create a Second Activity.
- Step 6: Write the Button's "onClick" Method.
- Step 7: Test the Application.
- Step 8: Up, Up, and Away!
People also ask, is Android Studio safe?
Android Studio is the one released by google.Soit's safe and good to go with AndroidStudio.Android studio is fully customized forAndroiddevelopers.