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Asked by: Mina Cherkasky
technology and computing operating systemsCan Windows Hyper V run Linux?
Similarly one may ask, can I run Linux in Hyper V?
If you work with Linux, or you just want totestdrive the OS, you can use Hyper-V tocreate avirtual machine with the distro you like alongside Windows10.Although it's now possible to run a number ofLinuxdistros natively on Windows 10, these environmentscan besomewhat limited in features and tools youcanuse.
Similarly, it is asked, what OS can hyper v run?
Operating systems you can run in avirtualmachine Hyper-V on Windows supports manydifferentoperating systems in a virtual machine includingvariousreleases of Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows. As a reminder,you'll needto have a valid license for any operatingsystems you use inthe VMs.
For instance, you can run Windows on a Mac oryoumay install Linux on a Windows 7 machineusingvirtualization software. Technically, Linux will bethe“guest” operating systemwhile“Windows” will be considered thehost OS.And other than VMware, you may also VirtualBox to runLinuxinside windows.