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Asked by: Eneko Etxebarrieta
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsCan words go backwards in Scrabble?
Consequently, what happens if you challenge a word in Scrabble?
If a player forms any word on the boardthat an opponent believes is not in the agreed-upon dictionary, theopponent can challenge the play. If the play isvalid, the challenger loses his or her turn. If the play isinvalid, it must be removed from the board, and the person whoplayed it loses his turn.
Likewise, people ask, what are the rules to Scrabble?
According to scrabble rules, if a player is ableto play all 7 tiles in a single turn, in addition to the score forthat word, that player is awarded 50 points. When one player playshis or her last tile, and no more tiles are available to draw, thegame is over per scrabble rules.
According to Hasbro's official Scrabbledictionary, the definition of "za" is that it is a term forpizza. You can also use the plural, "zas." You might also want tokeep "ki" in mind, which is an allowed Scrabble word thatmeans "qi" and can also be used in plural as "kis."