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Asked by: Nayib Bunning
technology and computing smartphonesCan you activate a prepaid phone on a Verizon account?
Thereof, how do you activate a Verizon phone by yourself?
How to activate your Verizon phone via telephone
- Dial (877) 807-4646 from any phone.
- Follow the prompts to activate your wireless service.
- Insert the SIM card into your new device.
- Insert the battery.
- Insert the cover on the back of your device.
- Charge your device.
- Insert the new SIM card into the cell phone.
- Turn on the phone.
- Confirm the method you will use for the activation of theprepaid service.
- Choose the type of prepaid service and rate plan you want touse.
- Provide the required information asked during the activationprocess.
Also to know is, can you switch a Verizon prepaid phone to a contract phone?
Ask the representative to switch from Verizonprepaid service to a Verizon contract service. SinceVerizon uses SIM card technology, you will be able tokeep the same phone number even if you decide toswitch plans or phones. You will receive a newSIM card with the same phone number programmed intoit.
Use a different phone to call Verizon customersupport at 1-800-VERIZON for assistance. What is the numberyou dial to activate your phone? To activate aphone with a new SIM card, call 1-877-807-4646. If you'reusing a SIM card from your old phone, you won't need tocall.