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Asked by: Atsegiñe Thebaud
technology and computing smartphonesCan you activate a stolen Verizon phone?
You can definitely activateanotherVerizon Wireless phone on the line. Youwouldhave to process your claim with Asurion (the insurancecompany),within 60 days of the phone being reportedlost orstolen. Please let us know if you needhelp withactivating that other phone.
Keeping this in consideration, can a lost or stolen phone be activated?
A stolen phone can not typicallybeactivated.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you tell if a Verizon phone is stolen?
How to Verify if a Verizon Phone Is Lost orStolen
- Find the phone's electronic serial number located in thebatterycompartment under the battery or in the phone's menuunder“Phone Info.” Write down the number.
- Call Verizon customer service from a Verizon cell phone at*611,or from any phone at 800-922-0204.
- Give the ESN number to the customer servicerepresentative.
However, bear in mind that a thief can still useablacklisted device as a WiFi only device. As farasGoogle's Android Device Manager is concerned, youcanuse it to find your stolen android device even ifyouhaven't installed it on your mobile device.