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Asked by: Teena Rentzsch
pets fish and aquariumsCan you add algaecide and clarifier at the same time?
Correspondingly, how long after adding algaecide can I add clarifier?
If you are referring to foam (not air bubbles), a clarifier can help your filter remove foam, soaps, oils, etc., but you must wait after adding the algaecide per the instructions on the product (usually 12 hours).
Similarly, you may ask, can I add algaecide and shock at the same time?
Shocking your pool and adding an algaecide to the water are two ways to get rid of the sickly green color caused by algae growth, but you shouldn't do these things at the same time. Chlorine combines with the algaecide ingredients and renders them useless.
Swimming pool clarifiers and algaecides are often grouped together, but exist for two very different reasons. What are algaecides? “Quat” or “polyquat” algaecides are safer to use than copper-based algaecide given that they do not cause staining, but quats can cause foaming if they are not used properly.