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Asked by: Besik Ponsoda
technology and computing emailCan you ask the post office for someone's address?
Keeping this in view, will the post office give you someone's address?
Actually the post office will always giveout forwarding addresses and will not even notify theperson that you looking for. Just send a piece ofmail with these words typed above the address:"RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED".
Thereof, how can I find a person's mailing address?
To find a current address for someone,visit if the person you're looking for livesin the United States. On the site, enter the person's firstand last names in the left-most text box in the middle of the page.You can also add a location, such as city or zip code, in theright-most text box.
Address Service Requested provides forwarding andaddress correction services when possible. If themail is undeliverable and not forwardable, it is returned to thesender with the reason identified on the mailpiece. ReturnService Requested provides address correctionservices and always returns the piece.