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Asked by: Medea Thull
family and relationships marriage and civil unionsCan you be added to someone's health insurance?
Keeping this in view, can I add a family member to my health insurance?
If you want to give your insurance card for yourindividual insurance plan to a family member so theycan use it at the doctor, that's no bueno. It's illegal.However, if you want to add your family members toyour insurance plan, at a price, you are able to dothis.
can unmarried couples be on the same health insurance?
Unmarried couples often cannot get employer-paidhealth insurance coverage for their partner. Somecities and states are offering domestic partner benefits totheir employees, and more and more private employers are doing thesame. A majority of the country's largest corporations offerdomestic partner benefits.
An employee can voluntarily cancelcoverage at any time only if the company is not having employeepremium contributions deducted pre-tax. If they are, they are defacto enrolled in a Section 125 Plan and cannot change thatelection until Open Enrollment or a Qualifying LifeEvent.