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Asked by: Chabeli Barbas
automotive auto insuranceCan you be counter sued in small claims court?
Keeping this in consideration, what if I am being sued in small claims court?
A judge will only be able to award damages uptothe legal maximum plus court fees. As a defendantbeingsued in small claims court, you may ask ifyoucan pay the plaintiff in installments. If youbelievethat the plaintiff owes you money, you or yourlawyercan file what's known as a “ClaimofDefendant.”
Similarly, it is asked, can you counter sue someone for suing you?
When a plaintiff sues you for money or thereturnof property, you can defend yourself in civilcourt.You have another legal remedy if the plaintiff isactuallyat fault. You can counter sue. Countersuinginvolvessuing the plaintiff while his or her case is stillpendingagainst you by filinga“counterclaim.”
Yes you can counter sue for lost wages as longasthey are less than$10,000. You would filethecross-complaint with your answer. If it's more than$10,000you should consult with an attorney.