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Asked by: Rosica Edeline
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you boil pumpkin with the skin on?
In this way, can you boil pumpkin?
Cooking Pumpkin: Methods 1 and 2 Cool, then scrape out the tender flesh with aspoon;discard rind. Method 2: Boil: Halve and peelpumpkin,then cut the flesh into uniform cubes andboil until tender,15 to 30 minutes, depending on size ofcubes.
Also asked, how do I cook pumpkin skin?
Place the pumpkin pieces, cut side down, onamicrowave safe dish with a little water in it. Microwaveyourpumpkin until the skin can be sliced away easily.Letthe pumpkin cool enough so it won't burn your fingers.Sliceaway the skin and chop or purée the fleshasneeded.
Slice the pumpkin in half and remove the seedsandscoop out the seeds and stringy pulp in the middle with aspoon.Slice each pumpkin half in half again to makequarters. Placethe pumpkins in a shallow baking dishand place in theoven. Bake for 1 1/2 hours, untiltender.