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Asked by: Mukhtar Middeldorf
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingCan you burn tissue paper candles?
Also question is, can you burn tissue paper?
Don't burn colored paper. The inks used in wrapping paper, newspaper inserts, and magazines contain metals that can give off toxic fumes when burned. Paper burns very quickly, so there is also a danger that flames may enter the chimney and ignite the creosote deposits in the flue.
Accordingly, can you burn decorated candles?
Decorating Candles. Candles decorated with tissue should not be burned unless you place them in a hurricane lamp or similar for safety in the event that the tissue catches on fire, and please, NEVER burn ANY candle and leave it unsupervised! Safety comes first, always.
Choose a place to burn the paper.
- If you have one on hand, you can burn the paper in a metal barrel.
- If you have a home with a yard, you can burn your documents by digging a hole in the ground.
- If you have a lot of documents, then a bonfire will work well.
- If you have a manageable stack, then use your barbecue grill.