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Asked by: Xinying Offroy
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you burn wood pellets in a corn stove?
Similarly, it is asked, what burns better corn or wood pellets?
Food is the first use that comes to mind, but it's an important source for heating as well. Shelled corn produces about 8,000 BTU/lb. of heat in a pellet stove, which is comparable to the same amount of heat as wood pellets. of corn per day to heat a 1,500 square foot home.
Regarding this, can I put pellets in my wood stove?
As their name suggests, wood-burning stoves do burn wood. If you have a pellet basket for your wood stove, you can use it to burn pellets in the stove. However, just opening your stove and tossing a few wood pellets into it can cause serious damage to the stove.
Buying corn from a farmer or a feed supply store means insisting on clean, dry fuel. Ask about the grade of corn for sale. The higher the quality of the corn, the hotter it will burn. Any grade corn can be burned, but the corn that supplies the most energy as animal feed also burns the hottest.