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Asked by: Dirk Marusin
hobbies and interests card gamesCan you buy leaf stones in Pokemon Emerald?
Water stone can be found in the abandonedshipnear Dewford Town. Fire stone is located nearLavaridgetown. Thunder stone is located at Mauville City andLeafstone is located near Fortree City. You will needSurf,Dive, Strength and Fly.
Also to know is, how do you get stones in Pokemon Emerald?
In Pokémon Emerald, there are two waystoget a Water Stone: you can trade a blue shard foroneat the Treasure Hunter's house or find one on theAbandonedship.
Part One of Three: Getting a Water Stone from theTreasureHunter
- Get a Blue Shard.
- Go to the Diving Treasure Hunter's house.
- Talk to the Treasure Hunter.
Subsequently, question is, what Pokemon evolve with leaf stone in emerald?
A Leaf Stone causes the following Pokémontoevolve:
- Exeggcute into Exeggutor (Alolan Exeggutor if the Exeggcutewascaught in Alola)
- Gloom into Vileplume.
- Weepinbell into Victreebel.
- Nuzleaf into Shiftry.
- Pansage into Simisage.
There is one in rote 119, some relicanths holdgreenshards and you can change them for a leaf stone nearlytomossdeep. you can green shards and trade with this guy in ahouseon 124. you can also get one on route 119.