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Asked by: Emir Marañon
personal finance credit cardsCan you buy Minecraft with a prepaid Visa card?
Similarly one may ask, can you buy Minecraft with a gift card?
If you are in the United States orAustralia,using a gift card may be the easiest way tobuyMinecraft. There is also the option ofpurchasingMinecraft directly online. This is not yourMinecraftgame account, but an account with Mojangitself.
Consequently, can you buy Minecraft PC with iTunes card?
You can buy an iTunes Gift Cardtopurchase the Minecraft Pocket Edition from theappstore for $6.99, because being able to download and playyourfavorite game anywhere you want certainly is the futureofgaming. It lets you play with gamers who are using thesamewifi connection as you are.
Yes, you can use Visa Gift Card onAmazon.Originally Answered: How do you use a Visa gift cardonAmazon? You use it in the same way youwoulduse a normal credit or debit card. Youenterthe card number, expiry data and CVV2 number from thebackfor the card next to the signature strip if youareasked.