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Asked by: Tura Eickmans
technology and computing digital audioCan you cancel an AP score after receiving it?
Canceling an AP score after receiving it.Scorecancellation deletes an AP Exam scorepermanently fromyour records. Scores may be canceledat any time.However, for scores not to appear on thecurrent year'sscore report, AP services mustreceive asigned, written request by mail or fax by June15.
Besides, how do I cancel AP scores?
Download and fill out the AP ScoreCancellationForm. Fill out the form with your information, includingwhichexam scores you want to cancel, and sign it.Form torequest cancellation of APExamscores.
Regarding this, how much does it cost to cancel an AP exam?
Exam Fees
Description | Cost per Exam |
Exam (except AP Seminar and AP Research) taken in the U.S.,U.S.territories, and Canada* | $94 |
Exam (except AP Seminar and AP Research) taken outsidetheU.S.** | $124 |
AP Seminar or AP Research Exam taken anywhere | $142 |
Don't worry. The actual AP score willnotaffect your admissions. There are several benefitstotaking the AP exam and doing well. Even ifyourcollege does not accept AP exams as credit, theymayuse your AP scores for placement or to fulfillgeneraleducation requirements.