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Asked by: Hadduch Delas
technology and computing digital audioCan you cancel an AP test before taking it?
In this regard, can you take an AP test twice?
Retaking an AP Exam If a student is unsatisfied with their score,theycan take the same exam again as many times as theylike.AP exams are given in May during each school year, witheachexam given only once, so students wishing to retake an exammustwait until the following year.
Moreover, can you retake an AP class?
The answer is yes! If you don't do wellonan AP exam, you can retake it the next timeit'soffered the following May. However, you should considerthisdecision carefully before committing. In other words, thegradeyou earn in the year-long AP class is moreimportantthan are your AP score for admissionspurposes.
For those conflicts which the College Boarddeems“unavoidable,” they will allow youtotake the make-up exam for free. You aretakingtwo AP exams that are scheduled for the same timeslot, oryou are taking three or more AP exams thatarescheduled for the same day. Check the 2016 schedule toseeif this is you.