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Asked by: Yaoyao Barbeitos
technology and computing digital audioCan you cancel out sound waves?
Then, how can we stop sound waves?
The three easiest ways to stop sound are to turn off the source, increase your distance from it (walk out of that noisy bar), or stop the sound waves from entering your ears (cover your ears or wear earplugs at the rock concert).
One may also ask, can sound waves be destroyed?
The Sound of Destruction. “Under certain conditions, sound waves cause the formation of small bubbles that rapidly implode and release an intense shock wave that produces enormous amounts of heat energy and a variety of highly active radicals, which can completely destroy adjacent material.”
Besides these four common and economical noise control materials; barrier, RC channel/sound clips, foam mats, green glue, insulation, vibration pads, panels, soundproofing doors and windows etc., are also used to block the unwanted noise and sound.