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Asked by: Shaowei Giovanardi
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan you cast Netflix downloads?
Similarly, you may ask, can I watch my Netflix downloads on my TV?
You can download select TV shows andmoviesto watch without an Internet connection fromtheNetflix app on your Apple iOS or Android mobile devicesandcomputers or tablets running Windows 10. Downloads arenotcurrently supported on other devices. An activeNetflixstreaming account.
Just so, can you cast downloaded movies?
Using Chromecast, you can cast movies&TV shows from the Google Play Movies & TV app fromyourphone, tablet or computer to your TV. Connect your deviceandChromecast to the same wireless network.
Yes, if you browse NetFlix using yourmobilephone, then you will find an option to save moviesforoffline viewing. Those saved or“downloaded”movies can only be viewedfrom your mobile device which isconnected to your NetFlixaccount. It's like saving YouTubevideos on your YouTubeaccount.