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Asked by: Marcelino Setien
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsCan you clean hearing aids with alcohol?
As a general rule, clean your hearingaidsand earpieces each day with a soft, dry cloth. Make sureyour handsare clean and dry before handling youraids.Do not use water, cleaning fluids,solvents oralcohol, as these could damage yourhearingaids. The microphone openings can easilygetblocked.
Then, what is the best way to clean hearing aids?
To clean a BTE hearing aid and earmold, followthesesteps:
- Examine the device for debris and remove it with a soft brushora dry cloth.
- Remove the earmold from the hook to clean it.
- Use a bulb blower to force water out of the tubing andthenallow it to dry completely overnight.
Also to know, how do you clean earmolds for hearing aids?
Weekly or As Needed Care
- Wash the earmold when needed.
- Remove the earmold and tubing from the hearing aid.
- Use warm water and mild soap to wash the earmold.
- Carefully dry it and use an earmold air blower toremovemoisture from the tubing.
We recommend replacing the dome at least onceamonth or as directed by your hearing care professional.GripTip should be replaced at least once amonth.