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Asked by: Azam Coscojuela
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryCan you clone a plant from a clone?
Moreover, can I take a clone from a clone?
Cloning gives you the power to takeoneplant and get unlimited new cannabis plants forpracticallyforever! You can clone clones without a problem.Each newclone is a genetic copy of the originalplant.
Accordingly, can you clone a plant?
Plant cloning is the act of producingidenticalgenetical plants from an original plant.Simply put,cloning is just to take the cutting/clipping ofaplant and grow it elsewhere on its own. After 1-3 weeks,theroots will form from the cutting, and a new life ofaclone begins.
The roots should start showing up in 8-12 days. Makesureto soak the rock wool cubes in pH 5.5 water for a few hours.Pottingsoil is a simple method for rooting clones. For thismethod,trim away any mature leaves that are on the stalk, then wetthesliced bottom of the stalk and dip it into rooting gelorpowder.