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Asked by: Madlen Belarmino
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaCan you communicate telepathically with someone through dreams?
Furthermore, can you go into other people's dreams?
It is also possible for you to enteranotherperson's dream without you even being asleep,butrather by going into a deep meditative state. A personintheir dream state can be easily influencedbysomeone putting out a signal (or emotion) out intheopen.
Also to know, can you send messages through dreams?
One of the easiest ways to sendtelepathicmessages to someone is through the dreamingprocess.It is, in fact, the ego and the conscious mind that get inthe wayof telepathic communication in the first place. Yourconscious mindwonders how telepathy can even be possible andcreatesdoubts.
Dreaming of someone elseencounteringproblems talking shows that improvement isrequired in one'swork-life. It also means that your innerself needs to feelpeace. To hear loud talking in one'sdream means thatit is important to try to free yourself fromdifficult feelings inreal life.